Michael LozanoMar 30, 2023, 3:08 PM (13 days ago)
to Michael Please remember to share the notes with your congregation and if you know of someone who would like to be placed on the mailing list, just send me a note.
Upcoming Events:
Churchwide Events: Ø Barbara Keller is leading a one hour zoom seminar on “How to Work with Sex Offenders in Your Congregation.” for rostered ministers in our synod on Thursday April 27th at Noon. Participants who have additional questions can remain on zoom to ask questions. Register by emailing [email protected]. Ecumenical Events: Region 8:
The cash prize is $2500 in each of four categories: • First degree seminarian • M.A./PH. D graduate student • Post-Graduate: Pastor, Layperson, and/or Faculty member • Amateur Historian Papers are to be in the field of history dealing with some aspect of Lutheranism in America. Paper should be 25-35 pages in length, double spaced using Turabian Manual or Chicago Manual of Style. Submission deadline is 30 September 2023. Flyer: https://www.lutheranhistoricalsociety.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/01/Abdel-Ross-Wentz-Prize-Flyer-2023.pdf Webpage: https://www.lutheranhistoricalsociety.com/abdel-ross-wentz-prize/ The competition is sponsored by the Lutheran Historical Society of the Mid-Atlantic. Other Continuing Education Opportunities: Camp Lutherlyn:
United Lutheran Seminary: Here’s the upcoming events schedule:
Walking Together as Synod:
Synod Council Three Year Term 2023-2026 Clarion/Forest/Venango/Warren Conference: Lay Leader Cameron/Elk/McKean/Potter Conference: Rostered Leader Crawford/Mercer Conference: Lay Leader Erie Conference: Rostered Leader Indiana/Jefferson Conference: Lay Leader Congregations in Transition:
Ministry Site Profile (MSP) Activity Log: The following congregations’ MSPs are listed based on date of activation:
Clarion-Venango-Warren Conference: Rev. Jeff Ewing and Dennis Yarian Cameron-Elks-McKean-Potter Conference: Rev. Stephen Fair and Rob Sundberg Crawford-Mercer Conference: Rev. Ben Travis and Anne Baver Erie Conference: Rev. Kristen Papson and Jacque Holmberg Indiana - Jefferson Conference: Rev. Tedd Cougar and Beth Grafton Commentary: While in the Holy Land in January I and 16 other ELCA bishops and staff walked a portion of the traditional route of Jesus’ entrance into the city of Jerusalem on what we call Palm Sunday. The route starts on the Mount of Olives and looks out over the Kidron Valley towards the Old or Walled city of Jerusalem. From where we started our walk we found ourselves surrounded by graves* and looking across the valley we could see the hillside covered also covered in graves. Hani, our guide, paused and said, “Do you recall the words of Luke?” As he rode along, people kept spreading their cloaks on the road. As he was approaching the path down from the Mount of Olives, the whole multitude of the disciples began to praise God joyfully with a loud voice for all the deeds of power that they had seen, saying, “Blessed is the king who comes in the name of the Lord! Peace in heaven, and glory in the highest heaven!” Some of the Pharisees in the crowd said to him, “Teacher, order your disciples to stop.” He answered, “I tell you, if these were silent, the stones would cry out.” Hani asked us, surrounded by so many graves, “What stones do you think would cry out?” There was a collective “Ah ha!” moment as we heard anew the beginning of the passion narrative. As we enter into the most holy of weeks I pray you all find yourselves experiencing the Good News anew. Called to Serve, Bp. Lozano *Hani noted that the portion of the Mount of Olives we were at historically is a gravesite because it is downwind of Jerusalem. Below are some pictures from the Holy Land. Hani setting the stage for our walk, and views across the valley to Jerusalem.
Upcoming Events:
Ø Sunday Supply Dates: February 22 Ash Wednesday, February 26; March 12, April 9*, 21 May, 25 June. *Mercer/Crawford/Erie. Churchwide Events:
A. Journi is for anyone who feels called to lead in the ELCA. The site was built with the intention of being attractive to an audience under 35, with an interface that was also friendly for those who may be less tech-savvy. With abundant content in various forms, Journi is built for all kinds of learners who are ready to take their next, most faithful step. www.journi.faith/
Through YAGM, young adults will learn what it means to serve in a spirit of accompaniment as they walk alongside global church companions. They’ll become immersed in a new community and form deep relationships. And they’ll confront issues of wealth and poverty, racial privilege, gender privilege, economic disparity and globalization, all through the lens of faith. Learn more at ELCA.org/YAGM. Young adults will find relevant opportunities for professional experience, including:
· 90 workshops offered over four workshop blocks · Inspiring and educational speakers and Bible study leaders · An interaction center with over 30 exhibits · A celebration banquet for all attendees · Space to reconnect with colleagues from across the ELCA Featured guests and speakers include: · Jeff Chu, co-author of Wholehearted Faith · The Rev. Elizabeth A. Eaton, presiding bishop of the ELCA · The Rev. Dr. Karoline Lewis, chair biblical preaching at Luther Seminary · Bishop Vashti Murphy McKenzie, the first female elected bishop of the AME Church · Deacon Dr. Mindy Makant, dean of the College of Humanities and Social Sciences at Lenoir-Rhyne University · Carmelo Santos, director for Theological Diversity and Ecumenical and Interreligious Engagement for the ELCA · Bishop Kevin Strickland, bishop of the Southeastern Synod of the ELCA Early registration (December 1- March 31) is $245. Booking travel and hotel is your responsibility. Once you register, you will be provided with links to the three gathering hotels, with room rates of $153 per night plus tax. A limited number of scholarships are available. Visit ELCA.org/rmg for more information. Ecumenical Events: Region 8 Events: Other Continuing Education Opportunities:
A Blessed Advent to you! I hope you will find inspiration in this quote from St. Oscar Romero. “No one can celebrate a genuine Christmas without being truly poor. The self-sufficient, the proud, those who, because they have everything, look down on others, those who have no need even of God – for them there will be no Christmas. Only the poor, the hungry, those who need someone to come on their behalf, will have that someone. That someone is God, Emmanuel, God-with-us. Without poverty of spirit there can be no abundance of God.” Here’s information regarding upcoming Kindling Faith continuing education events that you can share in your networks. Thanks for helping us spread the word. o Visit Gettysburg with your church group! Our facility is a great place for a day outing or a two-day stay. We can offer Bible studies, conversations with the Admissions office, tours of the campus, library archives, and our award-winning museum (https://www.seminaryridgemuseum.org/). In addition, people can take advantage of the many attractions in the greater Gettysburg community (https://destinationgettysburg.com/). See attached flyer to schedule your visit soon. o Preaching Perspectives from the Middle East, January 9, 2023, 9 am – 1 pm EST via zoom. Log on to meet with Pastors Imad Haddad, Ashraf Tannous, and Fursan Zumot as they discuss the RCL readings for Lent, Holy Week, and Easter from a Palestinian Christian Perspective. These pastors are pursuing their DMin degrees at ULS as part of our ongoing relationship with the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Jordan and the Holy Land. We are blessed to have them in our student body! o Combating Online Harassment, January 24, 2023, at 7 pm EST via Zoom. The church has an essential role to play in offering alternatives to a toxic online environment. Presented by Lauren Krapf, Esq. of the Anti-Defamation League (www.adl.org ). Save the Dates: o ULS Book Club with President Erwin, February 27th, March 27th, April 24th at 7 pm EST via zoom. Dr. Erwin discusses Flowers of the Killer Moon and his perspective on Osage culture in this novel based on true events. The film version directed by Martin Scorcese will be released in May of 2023. o Nolde/Lazareth Lecture, March 20, 2023 at 7 pm on the Philadelphia campus and Livestream. Dr. Pamela Cooper-White, Dean of Union Theological Seminary discusses her new book The Psychology of Christian Nationalism. o Our American Muslim Neighbors: Christian Reflections on Islam, March 2, 9, 23, 30 (on zoom) and April 1st on the Philadelphia campus with a field trip to a local mosque with Dr. David Grafton of Hartford International University. o Spring Convocation, April 26, 2023 on the Gettysburg campus. This year’s theme, “Children of Abraham: Stewards of Creation.” Registration for these events will be available soon. As always, I welcome your wisdom and insight as to how we can better serve the needs of ministry communities all over the ELCA. Feel free to reach out to me for conversation. Walking Together as Synod:
Dear sisters and brothers in Christ, As we are approaching the Advent season I would like to send you some information about the EKM’s Singing Advent Calendar. This Singing Advent Calender has become a tradition in our regional church and we feel blessed to share contributions from our international partner churches. The ELCA-NWPA has also contributed, for which we are deeply grateful! This contribution can be seen on December, 14th. The video can be viewed at www.ekmd.de/advent (attention, the link will only work from December, 1st onwards). In addition, the contributions will be posted on the EKM Facebook page and on Instagram ("ekmbilder"). Wishing you a joyful and blessed Advent season, with greetings from Central Germany, Judith Dr Judith Königsdörfer Ecumenical Officer Evangelical Church in Central Germany Lothar Kreyssig Ecumenical Centre
· Tracey DePasquale, Director of LAMPa reports: + The 2022-23 Pennsylvania budget included significant gains for education, housing and creation care, and modest increase for anti-hunger programs. + A $1.8 billion increase in education funding made strides toward decreasing the funding gap in what has been one of the least equitable school funding systems in the country. The spending plan contained a $525 million increase through the Fair Funding Formula, with another $225 million targeted to the 100 neediest school districts. + Among LAMPa’s priorities, the spending plan allocated $375 million in American Rescue Plan (ARP) funding for affordable housing construction, rehabilitation, and repairs. The Whole Home Repairs program will help Pennsylvanians, especially seniors and persons with disabilities, stay in their homes, while also increasing energy efficiency – reducing utility costs and greenhouse gas emissions. + LAMPa had also supported increases in funding for creation care, with a special focus on clean water in light of widespread waterway impairment across the Commonwealth. The budget allocated $884.75 million for clean water, land conservation, parks, energy efficiency and forest investments. This includes $696 million for the new State Parks and Outdoor Recreation Program—formerly known as the Growing Greener program—as well as new funding for clean water infrastructure in the Clean Streams Fund. The budget also increased critical environmental agency budgets by $63.75 million. The Department of Environmental Protection (DEP), the Department of Conservation and Natural Resources (DCNR), the Department of Agriculture (PDA), and river basin commissions were invested in after decades of cuts, directly resulting in more staffing and programming. + Years of advocacy finally resulted in passage of a law to regulate use of fertilizers by lawn and landscaping businesses in an effort to cleanup our waterways. + The budget also included an extra $10 million for disaster response for events not deemed a federally declared disaster. + While the hunger budget flat-funded the State Food Purchase Program after recent COVID-related increases, the State Agriculture Surplus System saw a $2 million increase. The budget also contained a $1 million grant to encourage colleges to address hunger. In the fall, Gov. Wolf directed funds accrued during the pandemic toward free breakfast for all school students this school year, helping to counter hardship caused by inflation and the ending of various federal pandemic-era supports for families. + In the waning days of the 2022 session, the General Assembly passed, and the governor signed legislation lifting the cap the state’s housing trust fund by $20 million. In addition to some mixed progress in Harrisburg, I celebrate the signs of new growth among us and look forward to nurturing it together. + The policy council, which had been struggling with multiple vacancies, is now almost complete… + We held inaugural statewide meetings with hunger and creation care leaders from every synod and look forward to regular virtual and in-person gatherings of those networks, plus teams focused on LGBTQIA issues and housing/homelessness (and possibly AMMPARO) in the new year. + Although the environmental sustainability project that was launched at the 2021 Sequanota Summit did not materialize the way we envisioned, there is a promise and progress of continued support, especially in light of the action taken at this year’s Churchwide Assembly moving us toward the goal of net zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050. + The Homeless Remembrance Blanket Project is gaining interest and an eagerness to participate, which I hope we might turn into lasting engagement and witness in addition to creating the imperative to see that everyone has a safe place to call home. + Seeds we have planted with our accompaniment of our partners in LDR appear to be growing and bearing fruit. + Once again, LAMPa volunteers contacted every county elections office in the state to learn what support was needed for running the elections. We shared that information with every synod, and to the extend possible, with advocates we knew in those areas. + In-person gatherings have yielded surprise and joy that in fact, the church is engaged in this work. + Starting with a presentation at our September retreat, we have begun exploring a relationship with the organization Braver Angels as a way of helping us not only foster civil discourse in our work, congregations and communities, but also to help stop demonization. + My service with the task force developing the new ELCA Social Statement on government and civic engagement has been deeply meaningful, and I look forward to the upcoming release of rich materials for study and feedback on the further development of the teaching resource. + I look forward to celebrating LAMPa’s 45th anniversary in 2024, and am excited that plans are underway with encouragement.
Congregations should elect (see constitutions) Voting Members to the Synod Assembly – June 9-10, 2023 and forward the names to our synod office.
Synod Council Three Year Term 2023-2026 Clarion/Forest/Venango/Warren Conference: Lay Leader Cameron/Elk/McKean/Potter Conference: Rostered Leader Crawford/Mercer Conference: Lay Leader Erie Conference: Rostered Leader Indiana/Jefferson Conference: Lay Leader Ø Synod Assembly Planning Team I will be convening a Planning Team for the 2023-2025 synod assemblies in January (by Zoom). I am looking for lay nominees to serve on the Planning Team. I have a representative from the Indiana/Jefferson Conference. If you know of someone in the other conferences who might serve please send me an email with their contact information. The Planning Team will be looking at a number of topics including themes, pre and post assembly events, dates and locations, etc.
More information will be posted after the first of the year.
Congregations in Transition:
Ministry Site Profile (MSP) Activity Log: The following congregations’ MSPs are listed based on date of activation:
Clarion-Forest-Venango-Warren Conference: Cameron-Elks-McKean-Potter Conference: Crawford-Mercer Conference: Erie Conference:
Indiana-Jefferson Conference:
Commentary: Please distribute the attached note on my health to your congregations and other communities who have and are praying for me. Again this week’s Notes are filled with many new things like Journi and links to information from our Companion Synods and PA Department of Health and ULS continuing education events. It feels like Advent is picking up the pace and quickening towards the Christ-mass. Schedules are tightening and deadlines looming. The end of the year approaches. I am reminded of the words of my liturgy profession as he advised us in leading worship, “Be at peace.” Be at peace dear synod. And pray for peace in our time. Called to Serve, Bp. Lozano
Upcoming Events:
Ø Sunday Supply Dates: February 22 Ash Wednesday, February 26; March 12, April 9*, 21 May, 25 June. *Mercer/Crawford/Erie. Churchwide Events:
Through YAGM, young adults will learn what it means to serve in a spirit of accompaniment as they walk alongside global church companions. They’ll become immersed in a new community and form deep relationships. And they’ll confront issues of wealth and poverty, racial privilege, gender privilege, economic disparity and globalization, all through the lens of faith. Learn more at ELCA.org/YAGM. Young adults will find relevant opportunities for professional experience, including:
· 90 workshops offered over four workshop blocks · Inspiring and educational speakers and Bible study leaders · An interaction center with over 30 exhibits · A celebration banquet for all attendees · Space to reconnect with colleagues from across the ELCA Featured guests and speakers include: · Jeff Chu, co-author of Wholehearted Faith · The Rev. Elizabeth A. Eaton, presiding bishop of the ELCA · The Rev. Dr. Karoline Lewis, chair biblical preaching at Luther Seminary · Bishop Vashti Murphy McKenzie, the first female elected bishop of the AME Church · Deacon Dr. Mindy Makant, dean of the College of Humanities and Social Sciences at Lenoir-Rhyne University · Carmelo Santos, director for Theological Diversity and Ecumenical and Interreligious Engagement for the ELCA · Bishop Kevin Strickland, bishop of the Southeastern Synod of the ELCA Early registration (December 1- March 31) is $245. Booking travel and hotel is your responsibility. Once you register, you will be provided with links to the three gathering hotels, with room rates of $153 per night plus tax. A limited number of scholarships are available. Visit ELCA.org/rmg for more information. Ecumenical Events: Region 8 Events: Other Continuing Education Opportunities: Walking Together as Synod:
Dear sisters and brothers in Christ, As we are approaching the Advent season I would like to send you some information about the EKM’s Singing Advent Calendar. This Singing Advent Calender has become a tradition in our regional church and we feel blessed to share contributions from our international partner churches. The ELCA-NWPA has also contributed, for which we are deeply grateful! This contribution can be seen on December, 14th. The video can be viewed at www.ekmd.de/advent (attention, the link will only work from December, 1st onwards). In addition, the contributions will be posted on the EKM Facebook page and on Instagram ("ekmbilder"). Wishing you a joyful and blessed Advent season, with greetings from Central Germany, Judith Dr Judith Königsdörfer Ecumenical Officer Evangelical Church in Central Germany Lothar Kreyssig Ecumenical Centre
Ø Tracey DePasquale, Director of LAMPa reports: + The 2022-23 Pennsylvania budget included significant gains for education, housing and creation care, and modest increase for anti-hunger programs. + A $1.8 billion increase in education funding made strides toward decreasing the funding gap in what has been one of the least equitable school funding systems in the country. The spending plan contained a $525 million increase through the Fair Funding Formula, with another $225 million targeted to the 100 neediest school districts. + Among LAMPa’s priorities, the spending plan allocated $375 million in American Rescue Plan (ARP) funding for affordable housing construction, rehabilitation, and repairs. The Whole Home Repairs program will help Pennsylvanians, especially seniors and persons with disabilities, stay in their homes, while also increasing energy efficiency – reducing utility costs and greenhouse gas emissions. + LAMPa had also supported increases in funding for creation care, with a special focus on clean water in light of widespread waterway impairment across the Commonwealth. The budget allocated $884.75 million for clean water, land conservation, parks, energy efficiency and forest investments. This includes $696 million for the new State Parks and Outdoor Recreation Program—formerly known as the Growing Greener program—as well as new funding for clean water infrastructure in the Clean Streams Fund. The budget also increased critical environmental agency budgets by $63.75 million. The Department of Environmental Protection (DEP), the Department of Conservation and Natural Resources (DCNR), the Department of Agriculture (PDA), and river basin commissions were invested in after decades of cuts, directly resulting in more staffing and programming. + Years of advocacy finally resulted in passage of a law to regulate use of fertilizers by lawn and landscaping businesses in an effort to cleanup our waterways. + The budget also included an extra $10 million for disaster response for events not deemed a federally declared disaster. + While the hunger budget flat-funded the State Food Purchase Program after recent COVID-related increases, the State Agriculture Surplus System saw a $2 million increase. The budget also contained a $1 million grant to encourage colleges to address hunger. In the fall, Gov. Wolf directed funds accrued during the pandemic toward free breakfast for all school students this school year, helping to counter hardship caused by inflation and the ending of various federal pandemic-era supports for families. + In the waning days of the 2022 session, the General Assembly passed, and the governor signed legislation lifting the cap the state’s housing trust fund by $20 million. In addition to some mixed progress in Harrisburg, I celebrate the signs of new growth among us and look forward to nurturing it together. + The policy council, which had been struggling with multiple vacancies, is now almost complete… + We held inaugural statewide meetings with hunger and creation care leaders from every synod and look forward to regular virtual and in-person gatherings of those networks, plus teams focused on LGBTQIA issues and housing/homelessness (and possibly AMMPARO) in the new year. + Although the environmental sustainability project that was launched at the 2021 Sequanota Summit did not materialize the way we envisioned, there is a promise and progress of continued support, especially in light of the action taken at this year’s Churchwide Assembly moving us toward the goal of net zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050. + The Homeless Remembrance Blanket Project is gaining interest and an eagerness to participate, which I hope we might turn into lasting engagement and witness in addition to creating the imperative to see that everyone has a safe place to call home. + Seeds we have planted with our accompaniment of our partners in LDR appear to be growing and bearing fruit. + Once again, LAMPa volunteers contacted every county elections office in the state to learn what support was needed for running the elections. We shared that information with every synod, and to the extend possible, with advocates we knew in those areas. + In-person gatherings have yielded surprise and joy that in fact, the church is engaged in this work. + Starting with a presentation at our September retreat, we have begun exploring a relationship with the organization Braver Angels as a way of helping us not only foster civil discourse in our work, congregations and communities, but also to help stop demonization. + My service with the task force developing the new ELCA Social Statement on government and civic engagement has been deeply meaningful, and I look forward to the upcoming release of rich materials for study and feedback on the further development of the teaching resource. + I look forward to celebrating LAMPa’s 45th anniversary in 2024, and am excited that plans are underway with encouragement.
Congregations should elect (see constitutions) Voting Members to the Synod Assembly – June 9-10, 2023 and forward the names to our synod office.
Synod Council Three Year Term 2023-2026 Clarion/Forest/Venango/Warren Conference: Lay Leader Cameron/Elk/McKean/Potter Conference: Rostered Leader Crawford/Mercer Conference: Lay Leader Erie Conference: Rostered Leader Indiana/Jefferson Conference: Lay Leader Ø Synod Assembly Planning Team I will be convening a Planning Team for the 2023-2025 synod assemblies in January (by Zoom). I am looking for lay nominees to serve on the Planning Team. I have a representative from the Indiana/Jefferson Conference. If you know of someone in the other conferences who might serve please send me an email with their contact information. The Planning Team will be looking at a number of topics including themes, pre and post assembly events, dates and locations, etc.
More information will be posted after the first of the year.
Congregations in Transition:
Ministry Site Profile (MSP) Activity Log: The following congregations’ MSPs are listed based on date of activation:
Clarion-Forest-Venango-Warren Conference: Cameron-Elks-McKean-Potter Conference: Crawford-Mercer Conference: Erie Conference:
Indiana-Jefferson Conference:
Commentary: There’s a lot in this week’s Notes to digest and consider. It’s that time of the year I guess with reports on the year past being shared and plans being made for the year to come. Please read and respond as you are called. Six of our seven ELCA Bishops met in Harrisburg, PA this past week to offer input and support for the work of LAMPa. Bishop Christopher DeForest of the Northeastern Pennsylvania Synod was unable to be with us as he was recovering from open heart surgery. Please hold him and the accompaniment work our church does in your prayers. Communication and silo-ing was a topic of conversation among the bishops. I shared my weekly bishop’s notes concept with them as one way of increasing communication among our synod and de-silo-ing our work. Please continue to share the Notes with others. Please ask others if they want to be put on the Note’s email distro list. Please continue to share with me the various mission and ministry projects you have in your congregations and conferences. Finally, my oncologist considers me “boring.” I’m in full remission from multiple myeloma. And “boring” is good. Though he did share this little factoid with me as I groused about the number the scales showed when I stepped on them at the cancer center. “Between Thanksgiving and New Years the average American puts on 10-11 pounds.” I respond, “Great, I’m halfway there.” May this season of the year not weigh you down in body, mind or spirit. And should it, please, please, please know there are individuals who will support you and are available to help you. Called to Serve, Bp. Lozano Rev. Michael L. Lozano, Bishop Northwestern Pennsylvania Synod Evangelical Lutheran Church in America 22598 Titusville Road PO Box 43 Pleasantville, PA 16341 [email protected] (o) 814.589.7660 (c) 724.931.4848
Upcoming Events:
· Sunday Supply Dates: 2023 February 19, 26; March 12, April 9*, 23. *Mercer/Crawford/Erie. Churchwide Events:
Ecumenical Events: Region 8 Events:
Other Continuing Education Opportunities:
Walking Together as Synod:
More information will be posted after the first of the year.
Congregations in Transition:
Clarion-Forest-Venango-Warren Conference: Cameron-Elks-McKean-Potter Conference: Crawford-Mercer Conference: Erie Conference: Indiana-Jefferson Conference: Commentary: Today I found myself at Thiel College for a conversation with the Campus Pastor, Rev. Brian Riddle. The air was crisp, the leaves on the trees and ground golden yellow, tan and red. It was good, we both agreed, to see the students back on campus. Students popped in or waved as they passed Pr. Riddle’s office while we chatted. And President Susan Traverso stopped in as well. It was good to see her and to hear about the challenges and accomplishments of the students, faculty and staff at the college. Of note, Thiel was one of four colleges in western Pennsylvania whose enrollment grew during the last two years of COVID. Why did enrollment grow? President Traverso said it was because the college focused on being community. Why are we as a synod recognized by the ELCA churchwide staff for our giving toward mission support? Because we focus on our communities – local, synod, national and global. I am proud of our synod and our ELCA college and all the other agencies and institutions within and across our boundaries which build, sustain and promote communities of care towards one another’s needs and concerns and beyond. Called to Serve, Bp. Lozano Rev. Michael L. Lozano, Bishop Northwestern Pennsylvania Synod Evangelical Lutheran Church in America 22598 Titusville Road PO Box 43 Pleasantville, PA 16341 [email protected] (o) 814.589.7660 (c) 724.931.4848
Upcoming Events:
· Sunday Supply Dates: 2023 February 19, 26; March 12, 19, April 9*, 16, 23. *Mercer/Crawford/Erie. Churchwide Events:
Ecumenical Events: Region 8 Events:
Registration information and other details are posted on the WV-WMD Synod's Education for Clergy & Laity webpage (http://wv-wmd.org/education/index.html#Fall2022). Deadline for room reservation is 15 October 2022; after that, the block of rooms will be released from, meaning there may very well still be rooms available, but there is no guarantee. Event registration is free (for content), but attendees are on their own for room & board. This event is for clergy, seminarians, and SAMs. It is open to all judicatories. Other Continuing Education Opportunities:
Walking Together as Synod:
Congregations in Transition:
Clarion-Forest-Venango-Warren Conference: Cameron-Elks-McKean-Potter Conference: Crawford-Mercer Conference: Erie Conference: v Pr. Karen Parsh, Interim Pastor at Abiding Hope writes, “On Saturday, October 15 from 1:00 to 3:00 Abiding Hope in partnership with St. Paul's Lutheran Church and New Hope Presbyterian Church will be hosting a PUMPKINFEST at Abiding Hope, in support of Youth Ministry Outreach and the Kearsarge Food Bank. There will be plenty of Pumpkins provided by Baytree Farms in Emlenton, and Bethesda will be sponsoring a food truck for snacks. There will be performances by the Sonlight Puppeteers and games and crafts for children. All are welcome to join us. Indiana-Jefferson Conference: Commentary: I’ve heard this a lot lately within various Lutheran circles… “Where’s Jesus?” It’s either a gentle or blunt reminder to everyone of where is Jesus in this conversation, this action, this event. Or have “we” pushed Jesus out of the conversation, action or event. Perhaps it’s a question we should carry with us at all times and ask regularly of ourselves and others. The question just might change our answer to whatever we are considering. “Where’s Jesus?” Called to Serve, Bp. Lozano Rev. Michael L. Lozano, Bishop Northwestern Pennsylvania Synod Evangelical Lutheran Church in America 22598 Titusville Road PO Box 43 Pleasantville, PA 16341 [email protected] (o) 814.589.7660 (c) 724.931.4848 Update Highlights:
Upcoming Events:
v Sunday Supply Dates: December 11. 2023 February 19, 26; March 12, 19, April 9*, 16, 23. *Mercer/Crawford/Erie. Churchwide Events:
Ecumenical Events: Walking Together as Synod:
Congregations in Transition:
Clarion-Forest-Venango-Warren Conference: Cameron-Elks-McKean-Potter Conference: Crawford-Mercer Conference: Erie Conference:
Indiana-Jefferson Conference: Commentary: It’s a quite week to enjoy the changing weather and leaves. Take time to breathe and be well. Called to Serve, Bp. Lozano Rev. Michael L. Lozano, Bishop Northwestern Pennsylvania Synod Evangelical Lutheran Church in America 22598 Titusville Road PO Box 43 Pleasantville, PA 16341 [email protected] (o) 814.589.7660 (c) 724.931.4848 Update Highlights: Calendar, Supply, Convocation, Youth Gathering and ULS.
· Sunday Supply Dates: December 11, 25*. *Mercer/Crawford only. 2023 February 19, 26; March 12, 19, April 9, 16, 23. · The Synod Supply Pastor Policy took effect 1 September 2022.
· On Oct. 24 the theme for the 2024 ELCA Youth Gathering, the Multicultural Youth Leadership Event and the tAble will be announced! The National Youth Gathering will be held in New Orleans from July 13-16. Mark your calendars now. · The ELCA Youth Gathering Team writes, “We’ve decided to make a few changes to the Synod Day program… In past cycles, …select two ministry leaders to serve as Gathering Synod Coordinator and Synod Day Director. For 2024 we are combining these roles and ask that you select one person for the role of Gathering Synod Champion. … To provide further support to congregations as they prepare for the Gathering, MYLE and the tAble, we will provide resources and training to each synod’s champion for 18 months prior to the Gathering. GSCs are expected to develop relationships with congregational adult leaders by answering questions, curating Gathering resources and creating community among participating congregations in the year leading up to the Gathering. This individual will also be responsible for the planning and execution of worship and your Synod Experience. Champions are required to attend one training in New Orleans, Jan. 16-18, 2024. Travel and other training-related expenses will be covered by the Gathering. We will provide online onboarding and training as well as other meetings (dates TBD) to help GSCs in this work. A detailed job description can be found here. Be mindful that this is a different position from the previous cycles. The successful candidate will be organized, detail-oriented and capable of communicating effectively for the sake of building community with other adult leaders in the synod. We ask that you nominate a Gathering Synod Champion no later than Nov. 1, 2022.” · It is not too late for Rostered Leaders in our Synod to begin planning to attend the 2023 Rostered Leaders Gathering July 17-20 in Phoenix, AZ. More information can be found at: https://elca.org/rmg. I attended the first Gathering and found the event informative and a wise use of continuing education funds I would encourage our congregational leaders to support your pastors and deacons to attend this event. · Fall Convocation. HOTEL RESERVATION DEADLINE IS SEPTEMBER 23. PLEASE MAKE YOUR RESERVATIONS NOW. AFTER THE CUT OFF DATE HOTEL RATES INCREASE. The dates for Convocation are 24-26 October. The NWPA Convocation registration is open. We will gather at the Sheraton Bayfront, Erie for this year’s event. When registration opens you will need to register with our synod (website) and with the hotel if you are staying at the Sheraton. The cost of the hotel is $149+tax per night. Our synod will reimburse room cost of $50 per night for Monday and Tuesday per room. You will need to submit a request for reimbursement in order to receive the funds. Single and double rooms are available. You will also be responsible for meals. We will be using The Post Quarantine Church by Thom S. Rainer as a focus for the educational time together. Purchasing the book is not necessary for the event but it might be helpful. Attendees are invited to check in on Sunday afternoon and relax Sunday evening into Monday morning. Onsite registration will open on Monday and the Convocation will begin after lunch. Monday night we will gather at Brewerie at Union Station for a hymn sing (beer will be involved for those who wish to partake.) Tuesday will continue our convocation learning time along with opportunities to explore the Erie area. We will end by noon on Wednesday. There will be time to worship and pray together along with other updates from around our synod and churchwide. · Our 2023 NWPA Assembly will be (8) 9-10 (11) June 2023 at Thiel College. I will form a Synod Assembly Planning Team in the next few weeks. I will ask each Conference to nominate one lay person to be on this Planning Team. This core group along with the synod staff will begin the initial planning process for the next three Assemblies 2023,2024, 2025. As the core team progresses other individuals within our synod will be asked to join specific teams or committees centering around our upcoming 2023 Assembly and beyond. · The following congregations are in transition:
This weekend I will be attending the Installation of Bp. Craig Miller, Upper Susquehanna Synod and then traveling to Ft. Snelling (had to look it up, just outside of Minneapolis, MN) to visit with a chaplain and his unit. Both events remind me of how connected we are. The Church takes on many expressions and forms – be it cathedral or open field – we gather to proclaim and to receive the gospel. We are interconnected – one might even say like a body – to each other. And as I travel know I carry you with me (and no, not like a virus or bacteria). Called to Serve, Bp. Lozano Rev. Michael L. Lozano, Bishop Northwestern Pennsylvania Synod Evangelical Lutheran Church in America 22598 Titusville Road PO Box 43 Pleasantville, PA 16341 [email protected] (o) 814.589.7660 (c) 724.931.4848 Update Highlights: Calendar updates, Community of Practice Invitation, Congregations in Transition, Commentary and few other items along the way…
NOTE: I continue to add individuals to the email list as you share the Notes. Please continue sharing the Notes and sending me individuals to add to the email list as well. The following is a list of upcoming events I will be attending in person. If I am in your area and you would like to go to lunch, coffee, have a chat, etc. let me know.
· Sunday Supply Dates: October 23*; December 11, 25*. *Mercer/Crawford only. February 19, 26 2023; March 12, 19 2023.
· On Oct. 24 the theme for the 2024 ELCA Youth Gathering, the Multicultural Youth Leadership Event and the tAble will be announced! The National Youth Gathering will be held in New Orleans from July 13-16. Mark your calendars now. · It is not too late for Rostered Leaders in our Synod to begin planning to attend the 2023 Rostered Leaders Gathering July 17-20 in Phoenix, AZ. More information can be found at: https://elca.org/rmg. I attended the first Gathering and found the event informative and a wise use of continuing education funds I would encourage our congregational leaders to support your pastors and deacons to attend this event. · Fall Convocation. The dates for Convocation are 24-26 October. The NWPA Convocation registration is open. We will gather at the Sheraton Bayfront, Erie for this year’s event. When registration opens you will need to register with our synod (website) and with the hotel if you are staying at the Sheraton. The cost of the hotel is $149+tax per night. Our synod will reimburse room cost of $50 per night for Monday and Tuesday per room. You will need to submit a request for reimbursement in order to receive the funds. Single and double rooms are available. You will also be responsible for meals. We will be using The Post Quarantine Church by Thom S. Rainer as a focus for the educational time together. Purchasing the book is not necessary for the event but it might be helpful. Attendees are invited to check in on Sunday afternoon and relax Sunday evening into Monday morning. Onsite registration will open on Monday and the Convocation will begin after lunch. Monday night we will gather at Brewerie at Union Station for a hymn sing (beer will be involved for those who wish to partake.) Tuesday will continue our convocation learning time along with opportunities to explore the Erie area. We will end by noon on Wednesday. There will be time to worship and pray together along with other updates from around our synod and churchwide. · Our 2023 NWPA Assembly will be (8) 9-10 (11) June 2023 at Thiel College. I will form a Synod Assembly Planning Team in the next few weeks. I will ask each Conference to nominate one lay person to be on this Planning Team. This core group along with the synod staff will begin the initial planning process for the next three Assemblies 2023,2024, 2025. As the core team progresses other individuals within our synod will be asked to join specific teams or committees centering around our upcoming 2023 Assembly and beyond. · The following congregations are in transition:
Over the next several weeks I will be moving between the Eastern and Central time zones for my Army Reserve Annual training time, participate in the installation of Rev. Craig Miller as the fourth bishop of Upper Susquehanna Synod, the fall ULS Board Meeting and the fall Conference of Bishops Meeting. Recently Christopher and I were discussing our digital presence online, he googled my name, and found some old references to me. He found one in particular, a video, of me in uniform (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NLjmaIPbbgw), which we talked about. I’ll be wearing several uniforms over the weeks I am away from my family and our synod, but I mindful the uniform I always wear is through baptism I am clothed in Christ. Dear Synod as I enter my fourth year as bishop I give thanks to wear the uniform which represents us all and whichever other uniform I wear I am mindful that I am … Called to Serve, Bp. Lozano Rev. Michael L. Lozano, Bishop Northwestern Pennsylvania Synod Evangelical Lutheran Church in America 22598 Titusville Road PO Box 43 Pleasantville, PA 16341 [email protected] (o) 814.589.7660 (c) 724.931.4848 Update Highlights: Calendar, ALWL, CWA, Synod Happenings, Commentary
The following is a list of upcoming events I will be attending in person. If I am in your area and you would like to go to lunch, coffee, have a chat, etc. let me know. · 18-19 August Joint Base Lewis McCord Building Dedication · 20 August One Year Anniversary Stem Cell Transplant · 21 August Luther Memorial · 24 August @ Synod Office · 27 August Bp. Collin’s Retirement Pizza Party, Camp Mt. Luther · 28 August St. John, Girard · 31 August @ Synod Office · 7 September @ Synod Office · 10-24 September Annual Training, Darien, IL · 17 September Upper Susquehanna Synod Bishop Installation, Zion, Sunbury · 26-27 September ULS Board Meeting Gettysburg, PA · 28 September – 1 October Conference of Bishop’s Meeting, Chicago, IL · 5 October @ Synod Office · 9 October Grace, Brookville/ Trinity, Reynoldsville · 12 October @ Synod Office · 14-15 October Synod Council Retreat · 15 October ALWL Training @ Grace, Franklin · 19 October @ Synod Office · 23-26 October Rostered Leaders/ALWL Retreat · 30 October St. John, Oniontown · 2 November @ Synod Office · 9 November @ Synod Office · 14-16 November FCTE (First Call Theological Event) Capitol Retreat Center · 19 November Vocations Committee Meeting · 20 November Faith, Erie · 23 November @ Synod Office · 27 November St. Paul, Warren · 29 November @ Synod Office · 30 November LAMPa, Harrisburg · Sunday Supply Dates: October 23*; December 11, 25*. *Mercer/Crawford only. January 15, 29 2023; February 19, 26 2023; March 12, 19, 26 2023. · ALWLs: Please mark your calendars for Saturday October 15th. ALWLs will gather at St. John's Episcopal/Grace Lutheran Church in Franklin. The day will begin at 10:00am and include a tour of the church’s Tiffany windows, Fr. Shawn Clerkin will offer a meditation /discussion, lunch and an open discussion among ALWLs on needs, wants, concerns and future gatherings. The day will conclude by 2:30pm. · Attached to this email is an application for NWPA ALWLs. If you are interested in serving as an ALWL please fill out the form and return to [email protected]. If you know of someone who would serve well as an Authorized Lay Worship Leader please pass the form along to them. · ALWL Training: The next iteration of ALWL training begins in September with Rev. Jake Jacobson leading in the study of the Old and New Testaments. This is a joint training between Northwestern Pennsylvania Synod, Alleghany Synod and Upper Susquehanna Synod. Introduction to Scripture Old Testament/New Testament Rev. Jake Jacobson Course Design: The course will include assigned readings, prerecorded lectures, an introductory Zoom meeting and four 2 hour Zoom/In Person gatherings. Text: Holy Talk: An Introduction to Scripture for the Occasionally Biblically Embarrassed, Jake Jacobson (Lulu.com or Amazon) Cost: $50.00/person payable to NWPA Synod plus textbook Calendar: September 10 (10:00-Noon): Introduction of Course (Zoom) September 24 (10:00-Noon): Pentateuch Zoom October 8 (10:00-Noon): Prophets/Writings Zoom/In Person @ Allegheny Synod October 22 (10:00-Noon): Gospels Zoom/In Person @ Upper Susquehanna Synod November 5 (10:00-Noon): Paul/NT Writings Zoom/In Person @ NWPA Synod Office
· Fall Convocation. The dates for Convocation are 24-26 October. The location will be the Sheraton Bayfront on the lake. The concept for this year’s Convocation is to gather for time to relax and share and learn. Rostered and ALWL Leaders will be able to check in to the hotel on Sunday afternoon for a relaxing evening in Erie, followed by a program starting Monday afternoon through Wednesday morning. The topic will be “The Post Quarantine Church” based off the book by the same title. We will use our time together to learn from one another, develop ideas, and plans we might implement in our congregations and communities. There will be time built into the schedule for relaxing / exploring Lake Erie and Erie, PA, worship and conversation. And maybe another surprise or two. · Our 2023 NWPA Assembly will be (8) 9-10 (11) June 2023 at Thiel College. I will form a Synod Assembly Planning Team in the next few weeks. I will ask each Conference to nominate one lay person to be on this Planning Team. This core group along with the synod staff will begin the initial planning process for the next three Assemblies 2023,2024, 2025. As the core team progresses other individuals within our synod will be asked to join specific teams or committees centering around our upcoming 2023 Assembly and beyond. · The following congregations are in transition:
Called to Serve, Bp. Lozano
Called to Serve, Bp. Lozano |
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